Sunday, September 7, 2008

Explain Conflict for MBA Students

Explain Conflict for MBA Students

Q 1, Explain Conflict?
Ans. It refers to the differences in opinion between two Persons or groups.

Q 2. Explain felt conflict?

Ans. When conflict promoting conditions is to be appeared.

Q 3 . Explain conflict aftermath?

Ans. It refers the outcome of conflict in the form of win, lose or compromise.

Q 4. Explain Perceived conflict?

Ans. When people understand that conflicting conditions exist.

Q 5. Explain manifest conflict
Ans. When the concerned parties uses different Strategies is called manifest

Q 6. Explain process of conflict? or Explain conflict episode?

Ans Following are the steps of conflict:-
1. Latent conflict
2. Perceived conflict
3. Felt conflict
4. Manifest conflict

Q 7. Explain the type of conflict?

Ans. (i) Intra individual conflict
(ii) Inter individual conflict
(iii) Inter group conflict.

Q 8. Explain different views as out conflict
Ans. (i) Traditional view
(ii) Behavioral view
(iii) Interaction view
Q 9. What is traditional view of conflict?
Ans. According to this view of conflict, it is arised due to violence, destruction
& irrationality.

Q 10. What is Behavioral view of conflict?

Ans. It is concerned with the individual values & perceptions etc.
Q 11. What is interaction view of conflict?
Ans. When the conflict is arised due to limited rewards given to the workers in
the form of responsibility & status etc.

Q 12. Explain the sources of conflict?

Ans. (i) Competition for limited Resources:- When all the scarce resources
such as land, labour, machinery, material etc. are not utilized conflict
may be arise in as organization.
(ii) Nature of Communication:- when proper communication is not be
presented conflict may be arised in the organization.
(iii) Introduction of change:- Workers should be insisted to adapt
change so that the chance of conflicts may be arised.

(iv) Aggressive nature of People:- When the nature of individuals are
differ to personal characteristics may also arise conflict in the

Q 13. When conflict stimulation is required suggested by robbin
Ans. (i) When new ideas are not come.
(ii) When there is low rate of employee turnover
(iii) When all the persons show resistance to change.
(iv) When managers put more stress on peace..

Q 14. Explain inter group conflict / functional conflict?

Ans. When the conflicts take place between functional experts.
Q 15. Explain goal diversity?
Ans. When the company extends the goals patterns for the effective and
effective utilization of resources.

Q 15. Explain Super ordinate goals?

Ans. When the goals are concerned with long period of time is called super
ordinate goals.

Q 16. Explain conflict resolution?

Ans. When the manager resolves the conflict by using different modes of
conflict management
For examples:- Avoidance, diffusion etc.

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